PG V Royal Engine Queen, GWR Behemoth, LNWR Hardwicke

PG V Royal Engine Queen, GWR Behemoth, LNWR Hardwicke


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Number PG V
Name Royal Engine 2-2-2 “Queen”, G.W.R. 4-2-2 “Behemoth”, L.N.W.R. 2-4-0 “Hardwicke”
First year published 1951
Publisher Micromodels
Number of cards 6
Size of cards 9 x 13 cm
Scale 1 : 200
Description First and only printing in 1951 at 2/-d.
No stocks of the model survived the Broadway Approvals buyout in 1956.

The wrapper is out of character with the other PG series sets. Instead of illustrating a trio of locos, it adopts the utility design of the NS series, which are also published in 1951.
The wrapper informs the purchaser, “models for hand painting”.
The cards are printed in black and white.