ARC XI Temple Bar

ARC XI Temple Bar


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Number ARC XI
Name Temple Bar
First year published
Publisher Micromodels
Number of cards 6
Size of cards 9 x 13 cm
Scale 1 : 300
Description Temple Bar was never issued by Micromodels.
The surviving Micromodels archive only contains the wrapper artwork for this model of which a picture is shown below, and some advanced sketches. There is no model artwork.

An interesting feature of both ARC VIII Old Ludgate and ARC XI wrapper artwork is the London SE address. Broadway Approvals had premises at 50 Denmark Hill, London SE5 and 486 Old Kent Road, London SE1. This appears to indicate an attempt by Broadway Approvals to complete some of the projects they had acquired. But the style of this model is very different from the style of the other Micromodel gates. There is no background and the scale of the sketches is very different.

MicromodelsUSA has published a model of Temple Bar. The artwork of the wrapper is more in line with the other Micromodel Gates. It also contains the usual background.

The Temple Bar is the only London Gate that has survived. It stood more than 200 years at the Strand. In 1889 it was dismanteled and rebuilt at Theobalds Park, Chesthunt as an entry to a country estate. In 2004 the gate has again been dismanteled and this time it was rebuilt at the Paternoster Square near the St. Paul’s Cathedral.