PG III Claud Hamilton, Sir Gilbert Claughton, GER 2-4-0 Locomotive

PG III GER Claud Hamilton, LNWR Sir Gilbert Claughton, GER 2-4-0 Locomotive


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Number PG III
Name G.E.Rly “Claud Hamilton”, L.N.W.Rly “Sir Gilbert Claughton”, G.E.Rly 2.4.0 Locomotive
First year published 1949
Publisher Micromodels
Number of cards 6
Size of cards 9 x 13 cm
Scale 1 : 200
Description First issued in 1949 at 1/8d. This first edition wrapper is interesting in that no printed price is shown. Examples occasionally have a retailer’s handwritten pen or pencil price.
Re-printed in 1952 at 2/6d.
Large stocks of this re-print passed down the line to the Watford Model Supply Co. in 1971.

Micromodelle Heidelberg and Micromodels London have made a reprint of PG III.