BD Breakdown Train

BD Breakdown Train

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Number BD
Name Breakdown Train , comprising crane & rolling stock
First year published 1949
Publisher Micromodels
Number of cards 6
Size of cards 9 x 13 cm
Scale 1 : 200
Description First and only printing in 1949 at 1/8d.
The Breakdown Train is catalogued as out of print in 1955.

Micromodels London and Autocraft both have published the model.

Robin Madge made some remarks about this model:

“This model represents a 45 ton Ransomes and Rapier breakdown crane with its two load spreading trucks and jib cradle vehicle. These were built during WW2 to supplement the existing fleet of cranes on the railway system. They were originally painted grey, became black under BR and then Red. The version modelled is the GWR one, correctly coloured grey, all other GWR cranes were black.
The support vehicles are two open wagons, a heavy duty 65ton well wagon, code named “crocodile H”, and a crew coach labelled as being GWR vehicles. The blue livery is spurious. All the wagons would be a dark grey while the coach would be a milk chocolate colour with red ends and yellow lettering.”