Microputian Population

Microputian Population


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Name Microputian Population
First year published 1950
Publisher Micromodels
Number of pages
Size of book
20.5 x 13.5 cm
Description Micromodels published two books. “The Microputian Population” was the first book.
Their second publication was “Making Models in Card“.
The Microputian Population” was first published in 1950 at 2/6d.
Reprinted in 1952 at 2/-d.

Supplies of this printing were catalogued by Broadway Approvals at 1/6d and 2/-d in their 1958 catalogues “Micromodel Kits“. In their 1958 catalogue “Micromodels” the booklet was priced 2/-d.

Large stocks were passed down the line to the Watford Models Supply Co. in 1971.
They sold copies for 15p each during the early 1970s.

This thin card covered booklet is basically about how to make micromodel sized people from matches, although there is a section at the back on animals and trees. The main application for these micro people was intended to be Dr Johnson’s House, London Gates, Globe Theatre and Railway Stations.

The book was probably written by Mr. Lauri Price.