Catalogues 1947 – 1948

Micromodels Catalogues 1947 – 1948


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Name Catalogue
Years published 1947 & 1948
Publisher Micromodels
Number of catalogues 4
Size of catalogues 8,5 x 12,5 cm
Description The first catalogue in 1947 is the small card sized leaflet that came with sets A I, C I, F I, H 1 and M 1. This leaflet lists and partially illustrates these first five post war Micromodels.
There are two slightly different versions.
The following catalogue from 1948 is an expansion of the 1947 leaflet. This modified leaflet lists the previous five sets priced at 1/3d, plus four new sets AC (AC I), C II, HM and M II, priced at 1/6d. This leaflet is packed with any one of these four new sets. It must date from early in the year, as ARC I, FC, HM II, S I and WM are not listed.

The next leaflet from slightly later in 1948 comes with the 1/6d first edition of HM II. It lists the previously catalogued models, plus HM II.

Finally in this series of 1948 leaflets packed with the models, is a leaflet listing the previously mentioned sets, plus set ‘X’ at 1/6d. No one seems to have a copy of set ‘X’ at 1/6d (all are at 1/8d), so this may be a catalogue error.

There may be more of these leaflets.