
New Micromodels

Since the 1970’s there have been published many new micromodels; reproductions but also new designs. Today we can speak of a revival of Micromodels.
Many originals have become available on the internet. Before we had internet it was very hard to collect these beautiful models especially outside of the UK.
On the other hand there are several publishers today who sell reproductions of the original models, or make new designs.
Here is an overview of the publishers:

Autocraft / D.G. Models

Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum

Heritage Models

Justin Olson


Kenilworth Press

London Papers Ltd.

Magnus Models

Myles Mandell

Micromodelle Heidelberg

Micromodels London Ltd.



Paper Model Mini

Paper Nano , laser cut models

Ray Morris


Zio Prudenzio Micromodelli

Other Publishers